Mastering Your Digital Advocacy Potential

eBook Download

eBook version of the full course: Mastering Your Digital Advocacy Potential.
Fifteen (15) pages of actionable insights to maximize your impact.

Unlock the full potential of your cause with "Mastering Your Digital Advocacy Potential." This dynamic playbook offers a solid foundation of the strategies that will elevate your online presence, ensure your voice is heard, and drive meaningful change. From understanding algorithms to becoming the go-to subject expert, each page is packed with actionable insights designed for changemakers like you. Whether you're battling censorship, seeking to influence policymakers, or aiming to inspire a global community, this guide is your key to impactful digital advocacy.

Take your career and
expertise to a new level!

8 Chapters -
Tailored to Todays Needs

Explore 8 chapters of targeted strategies in 'Mastering Your Digital Advocacy Potential' to amplify your cause and cut years off the process of mastering digital platforms.

4 Downloadable Worksheets &
Tables with Actionable Insights

Dive into pages of practical guidance filled with dozens of actionable tips focused on quick wins and understanding the 'why' behind each strategy for impactful advocacy.

Digital Advocacy
Mastery Certificate

Earn a certificate showcasing your mastery in digital advocacy upon completion, validating your skills and dedication to driving change.

Created by

Tamera Stewart

Write your awesome label here.
Landing in activism over a decade ago now, I call myself a 2 time 'Accidental Activist'. I've never been content to accept that the very systems which are necessary to survival were too corrupt or were damaged beyond repair. The second time my activism fire was ignited, I began working with online groups and nonprofits to advance their issues legislatively securing 4 major legislative wins. I have also been part of successful efforts to stop the progression of 9 legislative bills, any one of which could have undone most of our legislative successes with a stroke of a pen.

eBook Chapters

  • Introduction to digital Advocacy
  • What is an algorithm & why do I care
  • Authenticity as your ‘brand’ 
  • Become the go-to subject expert
  • Understanding analytics
  • Cracking the Algo code
  • Advocacy in Action
  • Parting Actionable Insights