Who is running this show...
Over the last 7 years, the P3Alliance has grown and is evolving to now include a blog and other digital products to help other changemakers - like YOU - be more effective in digital advocacy.
Combining advocacy, political strategizing, and established psychological principles to develop a winning formula for digital advocacy in any and all of these realms. Tamera believes strongly that all changemakers can do the same thing. Her winning formula has resulted in higher than industry average metrics on each platform she manages. One example of this is another LinkedIn page she managed that had a consistent engagement rate of 5.2%, where industry average is 2%. That same LinkedIn page ranked #1 within its competitors for 14 months in a row - based on LinkedIn internal metrics - where the growth and engagement metrics were 8.28 times her nearest competitors.
Combining advocacy, political strategizing, and established psychological principles to develop a winning formula for digital advocacy in any and all of these realms. Tamera believes strongly that all changemakers can do the same thing. Her winning formula has resulted in higher than industry average metrics on each platform she manages. One example of this is another LinkedIn page she managed that had a consistent engagement rate of 5.2%, where industry average is 2%. That same LinkedIn page ranked #1 within its competitors for 14 months in a row - based on LinkedIn internal metrics - where the growth and engagement metrics were 8.28 times her nearest competitors.
My story
Tamera Stewart
Landing in activism over a decade ago now, I call myself a 2 time 'Accidental Activist'. I've never been content to accept that the very systems which are necessary to survival were too corrupt or were damaged beyond repair. The second time my activism fire was ignited, I began working with online groups and nonprofits to advance their issues legislatively securing 4 major legislative wins. I have also been part of successful efforts to stop the progression of 9 legislative bills, any one of which could have undone most of our legislative successes with a stroke of a pen.
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Are you ready to transform your digital advocacy, your brand, and even a potential career that maximizes that desire to make an impact burning inside you?
The choice is yours and the time is NOW!
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