ChatGPT Prompt for Event Planning:

For guidance on utilizing this prompt for your advocacy campaign event planning, click on the screen to the right to expand -->
Write your awesome label here.

Event Examples 

  • Educational Workshop - To inform participants about [Specific Aspects of Issue] and empower them with knowledge.
  • Awareness Campaign Launch - A public event to officially start our campaign, aiming to capture media attention and public interest.
  • Digital Mobilization Event - Utilizing online platforms to engage a wider audience and encourage specific actions like petition signing or social media sharing.
  • Another Event Type - Share any information about the specifics of the event already known.


ChatGPT, I'm in the process of organizing an event to support our advocacy on [Issue]. We aim to [Select action desired: engage the community, raise awareness, mobilize action, other]. Our overarching goal is [Insert your overall goal: change 'x' policy, undo 'y', other].
Our event is an [Insert ONE type of event; examples above].

Please assist with each of the following that apply to my event...

Event Objectives and Key Messages:
* For each event type, what should be the primary objectives and key messages we aim to convey?
Target Audience and Stakeholder Engagement:
* Who are our target audiences for each event, and how can we tailor the event to engage them effectively?
* What stakeholders (e.g., community leaders, experts, influencers) should we involve in each event for greater impact?
Venue and Platform Considerations:
* For the workshop and campaign launch, what are key considerations for selecting a venue that aligns with our objectives?
* For the digital mobilization event, which online platforms would be most effective for our goals, and what tools can we use to maximize engagement?
Promotion and Outreach Strategies:
* How can we promote each event to ensure maximum attendance and engagement, considering both digital and traditional media channels?
Measurement of Success:
* What metrics or indicators should we use to evaluate the success of each event in terms of engagement, awareness raised, and actions taken by participants?

Please provide a structured plan and insights to help us effectively prepare and execute this event, ensuring each contributes significantly to our advocacy goals.

Important Disclaimer for Event Planning Guidance

This document serves as an initial framework to assist you in organizing an advocacy event around [Issue]. It aims to guide your thought process, whether you're engaging the community, raising awareness, mobilizing action, or pursuing another important goal. The suggestions provided for various event types, including Educational Workshops, Awareness Campaign Launches, Digital Mobilization Events, or other forms of advocacy gatherings, are intended to offer a starting point for your planning efforts.

Please Note:

Simplification for Clarity: The layout of this guidance simplifies complex event planning processes to provide clear examples and stimulate critical thinking. It's designed to jog thoughts you might have missed and address unknowns in your planning phase.
AI Limitations: The insights generated are based on the information provided and general best practices. AI's capability to offer advice is not perfect and should not be solely relied upon for comprehensive event planning. It's crucial to recognize the tool's limitations and the importance of human insight and creativity in tailoring event strategies to your specific advocacy needs.
Human Collaboration: Successful advocacy requires more than a well-planned event. It depends on the strength of your message, the engagement of your community, and the alliances you build. We strongly encourage you to collaborate with colleagues, consult with experts, and engage with allies to enrich your event planning and execution. These human elements bring depth, nuance, and adaptability to your efforts that a digital assistant cannot replicate.

Dynamic Nature of Advocacy: The landscape of advocacy is ever-changing. As such, flexibility and adaptability should be central to your strategy. Use this guide as a foundation but remain open to evolving your approach as new information, opportunities, and challenges arise.

In sum, this document is intended to enhance, not replace, the collaborative, creative, and nuanced work of advocacy. Let it serve as a catalyst for deeper planning and discussion, helping you to create impactful events that advance your goals.